Thursday, April 25, 2013

Going Yard

Yard part two!  Woohoo!

Ok ok... I have been running a bit behind on the blog. With the house being in a livable and comfortable condition thing just seem to, well ya know.. Nothing better than a soft couch, endless snacks, and the O's playing every night on your beautiful TV.  Combine that with work and the weather warming up outside, and it leads to a very lazy man doing just what he wants. Drinking, having fun and living it up! 

Well somewhere in the middle of that castle-esk life-style we did find some time to finish bringing our yard up to neighborhood standards.  Still left on the to-do list was mowing, edging, cleaning up more weeds, disposing of several bags of yard waste, and some man decorating. 

The previous owners were nice enough to leave a working electric mower, several old shovels, and a seriously beat up weed whacker.  As you can tell from previous pictures our lawn is in three tiers. Thus in order to mow the lawn you must run up and down hills as you push the mower.  Its a sad admission, but I look at this as my exercise. Lol no wonder I'm getting fat! After running up and down my hilled yard things immediately started to take shape. Mowing your lawn is like getting a hair cut after you let it grow out for a long time. It immediately makes things look better. 

After the mow was a quick run around with the weed whacker.  This is a special weed-whacker though. The safety guard that holds the blade to cut the cord has been broken completely off for what looks like a long time. After wrestling with getting the wire though the little hole for 15 minutes I was finally off the races. It only took about five minutes for me to accidently give the cord a bit too much slack and realize that there is a reason that they place a blade on the safety guard.  The purpose of this invention is to cut the cord down to the appropriate size.  My shins were not happy with me. It looked like they got beat by a tiny little man whip. Don't cry for me Argentina; just a minor flesh wound!

After what really only amount to a couple of hours of work Katy and I just had to get our Lowes on!  I mean damn they give you this plastic card and all you have to do it swipe it through this machine and they let you walk out of the store with whatever you want!!!!

An hour of exploring later and we were all set! Flowers, tomato plants, miracle grown, weed killer, crab grass killer, a trowel, and some other odds and ins.  Katy got right to work planting our flowers and plants and I laid down the first round of weed killer.  The lawn just wasn't ready for seed so I'm going hopefully kill all the ugly green stuff over the summer, plant my seed in the fall, and have a lush beautiful lawn next spring. I'm starting to think I'm going to be that guy who is going to have like a competition in my head with my neighbors on whose lawn looks better. 

With all the work done, and the yard looking right it was time to sit back and... wait.. sit back where! All I got is a big long lawn with a bunch a grass! Well heck this must be remedied immediately!  It didn't take much convincing for Katy and we were off again to Lowes! This time we were going to show them who was boss! I mean I need somewhere to sit in my lawn this is just inhumane!  Now of course you didn't think I was going to buy lawn chairs did you? Oh and we bought a grill too! Who wants to come over and party! /me begins to chant "Party! party! party! party!"

And the video walkthrough!


  1. That's one shiny grill you've got there. Looking good Nate! Though I think you're going to need an umbrella to shade your hammock. That summer sun can get HOT!

  2. You ever gonna post again boy or are you done?
