Sunday, April 7, 2013

And the sun shines again

Although I'm still many articles behind on current events I couldn't help but sneak in a quick real-time article.  For the first time in what seems like forever it was actually warm outside Saturday and I couldn't resist putting off inside boring chores for a little fun in the sun.  The backyard was in need of some dire tlc, and who better to give it them me! I mean come on love is my middle name. Just ask Katy.  Anywho thats a story for a different blog..  I went to work about 10ish in the morning thinking this would all be over in the early afternoon, but ended up going till close to sunset. Weeding several flower beds that have not been touched in over a year sucks.  It takes a lot of time to pull everything up and then shaking out the dirt. Especially when every square inch is covered by grass or weeds. Here is what the beginning of my day looked like...

As you can see it's a mess. I'm not looking for a reno out here just a thorough cleaning. Well eight hours later with a half hour lunch, three big trash bags of lawn junk and extreme tightness in my hammies I had a respectable looking back yard. Of course nowhere from finished.. Like anything ever is... What I did get done was pull out all the dead plants, weeds, grass, and trash.  I also had the joy of discovery by finding out what was growing in this mess.  It was a pleasure to find that we have a very small strawberry patch growing in the top level garden bed. On each level there are some plants that the neighbor said grows into a massive shrub with big green leaves and one white flower that comes up the middle. Mom also came over and knew the name of it, but I have selected memory so I don't remember.  I plan on seeing what it looks like and then decide if it lives or not.  On the middle level I discovered a rose tree, or vine or whatever it's called. I am quite excited about that. What wife wont enjoy fresh roses from the garden. I also have a couple dozen green leaf plants that I think will grow a flower on top. They were pretty entrenched in the slopes.
After digging out a few of those gross vine trees who roots go like 2 feet down I trimmed back the overgrown grass on the sidewalk.  It only took about 30 minutes with a small flat head shovel to get a nice strait line. It made the sidewalk look much better. Another 40 minutes spent on cleaning up and finally I could go watch the O's(of course they lost in the 9th inning).  


Yeah me!

1 comment:

  1. That looks great! It's nice that you already have some plants along the side too. Don't you love gardening! Immediate rewards plus you get some exercise too.
