Saturday, March 23, 2013

The before picture

February 12th

The before. 

We are still getting all of our plans together, but we decided to at least get a good assessment of how clean the house is.  I decide to tackle cleaning the fridge and Katy tackles the bathroom and dusting.  Overall the house has been cleaned pretty well. No crazy surprises. 
Here is grainy video I took from my HTC EVO.  I didn't have much light and the video recorder isn't that great to begin with...  If your having trouble making out what you are seeing then please let me explain.   

The video starts with me entering our house from the front door. I don't want to give away any spoilers *coughnameoftheblogcough*, but YES that is a GREEN door on the first blog post.  The first thing your eyes are blasted by is the goldish yellow walls.  They must have caked on like 4 coats of this stuff because it basically makes you feel as if you are in the middle of mustard filled sun. This covers the walls of the living and dining rooms.  Up next is the incredible hulk kitchen.  Looking back I really should have spent more time on my video and sent it in to HGTV. I think maybe I could have won a slot on one of those free reno shows.  I really skipped the video because who doesn't love to put their own sweat and tears into remaking their house.  Well more like sweat, loud cursing, and exhaustion.  But getting back to the incredible hulk kitchen you will see they have painted every wall, baseboard and door green. This is nicely offset by the dirty dark brown cabinets and the beautiful plastic drop ceiling! For some odd reason they also decided to take out/stop the nice hard wood floors and throw in a plastic floor that looks like wood!  You will also notice the sturdy and stylish construction of a eat in bar type thingy. Hey at least the appliances are from this century. 

The basement is your typical 70's style wood panel, which I nicely point out to you in my narration within the video. Not much to look at down here. Pretty standard unfinished basement. 

As we head up stairs you get your first glimpse of the lovely blue carpet that for some reason was chosen to cover the original hardwood. SMH. Oh boy your in for a treat once we get upstairs! PINK is my favorite color bathroom awaits us! I'm just not going to comment on this one right now... SMH... What you cant see in the bedrooms isn't so bad. Aside from the really awful paint colors, there is just a bunch of cleaning.

I ask myself many questions after being in the house for the fifth time now, but mainly.... WHAT WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKING! I mean come on people.. Now much of this rant comes from the coaching Katy has given me, but had they ever heard of the term neutral pallet! I mean who paints there damn kitchen a dark GREEN, and then says, "shit I like this so much I'm painting the fucking doors and baseboards green too!". LOL.  

I'll give them a pass on the bathroom though. I'm sure they were not the original owners when the house was built in 1960, but that really says a lot for our parents generation right?  I can see the conversation between contractors now. 

Contractor 1" Hey I have a great idea. Lets make this entire bathroom one color!" 
Contractor 2 "Oh man that would be far out! Dont you think an all white bathroom though is a total bummer?" 
Contractor 1"White! I was thinking all pink man." 
Contractor 2 " Totally heavy man." 
Contractor 1 "Hey puff, puff, pass man! not cool"

The last thing to drive me to inquiry is why on earth you would cover your hardwood stairs with blue carpet and then stain the upstairs hardwood a different color then downstairs.. SMH again...

Anywho... lots of fun coming as you can see. :)

1 comment:

  1. Like the belly shot at the end of the video ;-) The kids watched with me and kept saying "hi" every time they saw Katy.
